Help free girls from cataracts

Please will you help more children enjoy a future free from blindness?

We met nine-year-old Archana in Odisha, India. She is an incredibly bright girl, who told us how much she loved reading and playing with other children.

But Archana had cataracts in both her eyes, and the impact of her sight loss was devastating. It hurt to open her eyes in bright light, and it broke our hearts to see her holding her beloved books inches from her face so she could read the words on each page. It was a huge strain to complete her schoolwork.

Cataracts were pushing Archana towards lifelong blindness, and her dreams for the future were slipping away. Without Sightsavers’ and our partners’ help, Archana was at risk of losing her education, and faced a lifetime of discrimination.

Watch Archana's transformation after her life-changing cataract operation.

Archana is holding a book very close to her eyes and is squinting.
It's very lonely for Archana. The children are calling her names like ‘squint’.
Manju, Archana's grandmother
Archana is holding a book very close to her eyes and is squinting.

Archana could have missed out on the treatment she urgently needed, simply because she’s a girl. Boys are often prioritised for treatment as they are more likely to work for income, leaving girls like Archana to slowly lose their sight.

Through our school eye health screenings we can help girls to access sight-saving treatment and empower them to get an education and escape the cycle of poverty.

Before Archana’s treatment, she couldn’t dance or play with other children, and she was spending every day on her own. Seeing Archana get her sight back was like seeing something suppressed inside of her finally come out. Suddenly she was the clever, playful and confident young girl she was destined to be.

Sadly, there are more girls suffering from cataracts. It is vital we give them the life-changing treatment they need. But we can only do this with your support.

Please, will you give a gift to help more children suffering with cataracts?

Archana is having her eyes screened for cataracts.
Archana was diagnosed with cataracts at a local screening camp in India.
Archana with her family looking happy sat outside their home.
Archana with her mother Mita and grandmother Manju. Thanks to kind supporters like you, the family are happy Archana can now see clearly.

Sightsavers Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit affiliated with Sightsavers, a group of organisations working with partners to eliminate avoidable blindness and promote equality of opportunity equal opportunities for disabled people people with disabilities in the developing world low and middle income countries. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Free more children from a lifetime of blindness