Government and institutional funding

Sightsavers works in partnership with governments and other donor institutions to develop large-scale approaches that aim to eliminate avoidable blindness and create a disability-inclusive world.

A school in Cameroon gives students medicine for intestinal worms and schistosomiasis. © Sightsavers/Globule Studio/Blick Posey

Sightsavers builds partnerships with governments, institutions and other development organisations so we can jointly increase our impact.

We strive to be the partner of choice for building disability-inclusive solutions in health, education and employment, for improving eye health, combating avoidable blindness and helping to eliminate neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Our global technical expertise and collaborative approach have helped us to build a consistent track record of success.

We welcome opportunities to work in partnership and share our experience to deliver resilient, sustainable and cost-effective programmes.

To discuss how we could work with your organisation, contact:
Anna Becker
Director of institutional funding
[email protected]

Sightsavers CEO CAroline Harper during her TED Talk, standing in front of large red letters spelling TED.

Our approach: a world free from trachoma

Sightsavers CEO Caroline Harper pitched an ambitious strategy to eliminate trachoma during her TED talk in Vancouver.

Watch the TED talk

Learn more about our expertise and track record

Read our annual reports

Why choose Sightsavers?

We’re proud to be a leader in our field, with 75 years of experience. Our projects consistently achieve high ratings from the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

  • We take a sustainable, evidence based approach to help us build the capacity of health, education and employment services so they are more inclusive.
  • We are respected and influential in developing and implementing disability-inclusive health and education policy frameworks.
  • We lead global programmes to control and eliminate neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), directly supporting distribution of treatments.
  • We have a comprehensive network of trust-based partnerships with ministries of health, education and social welfare, the private sector and local civil society.
  • Gender is a central concern in all our projects. We collect gender-disaggregated data to monitor performance, and develop strategies to address the double discrimination of women and girls with disabilities.
  • We are a recognised research organisation, and our innovative disability data disaggregation strengthens the evidence base for policy and programming.
A boy using chalk to write on a slate.

Our strategies

Sightsavers’ latest strategy documents, launched in 2021, aim to help us achieve our goals in each of the areas where we work.

Read our strategies

Our strategic expertise in action

Ismail sitting in his office, wearing a smart shirt.

Inclusive Futures

Funded by the UK’s FCDO, Inclusive Futures aims to make education, work and healthcare more inclusive for people with disabilities. Led by Sightsavers, it brings together 16 global development partners, people with disabilities, and the public and private sectors. About Inclusive Futures

Eunice sits on the ground next to field where she's warming sorghum. A pair of crutches are lying next to her.

The Global Labor Program

This US$6 million programme, funded by USAID and supported by Sightsavers, launched in March 2022. It aims to increase the inclusion of people with disabilities, particularly women, and improve labour rights at two large Kenyan companies. About the Global Labor Program

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Our global funding partners

Bill & Melinda Gates foundation logo
Childrens Investment Fund Foundation logo.
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation logo
The ELMA Foundation logo.
European Union Logo
GIZ logo.
Irish Aid logo.
UK Aid logo
Unicef logo.