Joshua presented to Sightsavers staff his views on accessibility, as well as revealing some of what he had learned during his time working in digital accessibility. During his talk, Joshua shared a quote from web designer Brad Frost: “It’s not about what you do, it’s about what you enable other people to do.”
This is what we are trying to achieve at Sightsavers. One of our aims is to make sure everything we produce is accessible to all our staff and supporters, and this includes our digital content: for example, ensuring that all our online images have alternative text that can be picked up by those using screenreaders, and that the language we use in our communications can be understood easily by everyone.
“Everyone is responsible for accessibility”
Joshua also stressed that “accessible design is good design”. It’s why we have a team, of which I’m part, that is responsible for testing the accessibility of our systems and content.
“Accessible communities like to share,” Joshua told us. We are sharing the journey of Sightsavers as it becomes more accessible through blog posts such as this one, and through material such as our annual inclusion report, so that others can benefit from our experiences.
Kate Bennell is the organisational inclusion coordinator at Sightsavers UK. Severely sight impaired herself, she coordinates the Social Inclusion Working Group and champions accessibility.
Sightsavers' Kate Bennell reflects on Susie Rogers' lunchtime talk about her experience as a Paralympian swimmer before joining Sightsavers.
Ensuring your work can be understood by everyone should be an essential part of all your communications. Here’s a rundown of how to do it.
From the Old Testament to the Paralympics and beyond: we track the progress of disability rights and accessibility from ancient times to the present day.
© 2025 by Sightsavers, Inc EIN 47-4657747, Business address for all correspondence: One Boston Place, Suite 2600, Boston, MA 02108.
Sightsavers want to give you a great experience on our website, tell as many people about our work as possible, and help change the lives of as many people as we can.